(Sanskrit:पुष्पाञ्जलि, literally folded hands full of flowers) is an offering of flowers to Indian Gods. Pushpanjali is the first dance in a Bharatha Natyam performance. It is the salutation to the lord of dance Nataraja, the Guru, the musicians and the audience.
The first item of a recital, the alarippu is a short and simple item, but is significant as a ritual dance prelude to the performance. Its primary intention is to invoke the blessings of the divine and to offer homage to the audience. It sanctifies the body of the dancer and the performance space.
A connotation of the name alarippu is flowering, suggesting the opening of the body and limbs in preparation for the dance items to follow. It features a progression of movements, beginning with the head and eyes, and then involving more and more of the body, and using more of the performance space. The alarippu is accompanied by the sollukattus, “tham-thi-tha thai-tha-thai”, and percussion in slow, medium, and fast tempos. The duration of the alarippu is about three to five minutes.
Shakti kauttuvam
A KAUTHUVAM is an item that sings praise to a specific deity. It follows a specific structure: rhythmic syllables are read first, followed by these same words sung in a more musical way. This specific kauthuvam pays tribute to Shakti, known as The Great Divine Mother of Hinduism. Shakti represents sacred feminine power as well as the cosmic energy that empowers the universe. She is a part of various other Hindu Goddesses such as Lakshmi (goddess of wealth), Saraswati (goddess of knowledge), and Parvati (goddess of power).
Moodakarata moodakam
Mudakaratha Modakam Lyrics is known as Ganesha Pancharatnam stotra. Lord Ganesh Pancharatna are the five jewels about Lord Ganapati written by Guru Adi Shankaracharya. Worshiping Lord Ganesha chanting Mudakaratha Modakam mantra helps to get free from all problems, attain longevity, peace and wealth.
Saraswati Abhang
Saraswati Abhang .. Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, Sarasvatī) is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, wisdom and learning worshipped throughout Nepal and India. She is a part of the trinity (Tridevi) of Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati...
Durga Dance:
Jaya durge durgati pari harini is Durga devi stuti and Durga vandana in Raag Durga
In this dance we have tried to show Goddesses Durga as the one that rescues her followers from every mess (durgati). Let us all dive in the divine color of Goddess Durga.
Achutam keshavam
This song is sung in praise of Lord Krishna. Lyrics of this song points to the invaluable teaching for devotion. Achyutam means Eternal. God’s qualities are described as Eternal, Blissful, Infinite. It is formless and also with forms.
Shiva stuti
Lord Nataraja is considered to be the God of dance in Hindu mythology. In this dance piece, Shiva is described as the divine cosmic dancer, the ocean of compassion with whose blessings one can cross the “Bhava sagar”.He resides in the hearts of his devotees as Nataraja in a place called Chidambaram.Here the dancer describes how Lord Shiva holds the cosmic fire and the drums in his hands.He is the omnipresent cosmic dancer.He is Isha,Sabesha (Nataraja) and Sarvesha(the lord of all).
Shakti theme-dance
Shakti.. This ballet is one that celebrates the motherly form of the all-pervading, omnipotent and omniscient divinity, the supreme absolute godhead that humanity prays to world over in different names. As an ode to the one that creates, nourishes and protects us, it draws a parallel to the goddess we worship in our temples and her physical manifestation in our homes as our own mothers.
A recital that is the last one of the day may end with a mangalam, a short benediction during which the dancer performs the namaskaram, giving thanks and invoking blessings for everyone present. A mangalam usually is no more than a minute or two in duration. The music uses one of the “auspicious” ragas, typically Madhyamavathi.